Judas Goat

Judas GoatA Judas goat is a skilled goat employed at a slaughterhouse and in general animal herding. The Judas goat is conditioned to associate with sheep or cattle, conducting them to a particular destination. In yards, a Judas goat will conduct sheep to slaughter, while its own life is saved. Judas goats are also employed to lead other animals to specific pens and on to lorries.

The term is a mention to the biblical betrayer Judas Iscariot.

The phrase has also been used to depict a goat that is used to find ferine goats that are targeted for obliteration. The Judas goat is equipped with a transmitter, painted in red and then loosed. The goat then finds out the remaining herds of ferine goats, providing hunters to eliminate them.

The phrase was also used in WWII to denote bright colored airplanes used to marshall fleet of bombers before venturing on a mission.

In the Star Trek episode "Metamorphosis", Kirk asks Cochrane to entice in an alien in order to attack it, to which Cochrane replies, "What was it they used to call it ... the Judas goat?"

Also in the movie The Wild Bunch by Sam Peckinpah the railroad man Harrigan tells to the character played by Robert Ryan, "You are my Judas goat Mr.Thornton" pointing that as a erstwhile member of the Bunch, he is being used to fetch the remaining members of the mob.

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Posted byParvez Ahmed at 1:43 AM  


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